Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Investment in Realty- What’s the hook?

India has a rapidly expanding economy and with the increase in the purchasing power of the people the demand for the real estate sector is growing by the day. Today the traditional use of land or houses/flats purchased has changed. While some people want to purchase them for living, others want to invest as return in this sector are sky rocketing, especially in some pockets of the country.
Investment in Real Estate
Investment in Real Estate
Like in any other business, real estate development too has customers who want to invest/purchase because of different reasons. But who can determine what is it that makes them opt for ABC Developers Pvt. Ltd. rather than going for XYZ Realty Pvt. Ltd.? Is there a factor that determines such choices? Is there a science behind it? Are there trends that need to be tapped for better business? Well, there might be.

What quality is it that makes them take the final decision of purchase? Do customers seal the deal in those projects which are on the verge of completion or do they go with those firms which have a reputation for quality of construction? Well, both the issues are important for customers. Talking to experienced real estate developers and marketing professionals a fact that comes to light is that customers usually invest in those properties where they find some kind of activity. If they see that work is on, then they invest. Selling flats, floors or plots on barren land is not an easy task. Selling a dream is not that easy unless you back it up with performance on the ground. Therefore what really makes them take the leap is trust that comes through visual evidence. http://cityofromance.in/
Nobody knows which project will create a storm in the market and which one will fall flat. Experts say that it is a huge task to read the minds of prospective customers. Some prefer to book their homes where construction work is on, but one more important thing is the image of the realty firm. The past projects and quality of work of the firm, stand as testimony for the potential investors to gauge and decide then on.

A large number of customers also take into consideration the size of a firm's portfolio - the larger it is, and the longer it has been in the market, adds value to its latest offerings. People go and book their flats and floors there. Also, the relationship shared between customers and an established brand is very important as no buyer is willing to compromise on the functionality and quality of the real estate product. The brand value of a developer affects the buying decision of customers. The popularity of a brand results in optimum sales and increased consumer awareness. This might be independent of the construction status of a particular project. 
At the end of the day, customers certainly give thumbs up to those realty firms which hand over perfect homes to their buyers with excellent tiling work in the kitchens and the bathrooms, with perfect sewage pipes and plumbing work. Quality of a project is directly connected to the reputation and image of the builder.

So, if you are into the real estate business, you need to have the right quality to get investors to notice you. You need to have the right hook. http://cosmicindia.in/

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Tgas ; Investment in real estate market, growth in real estate sector, Cosmic Group, Cosmic Structures, Cosmic Projects.


  1. It is matter of open discussion that as compared to the bungalows as well as the independent houses, the demand for the Flats in Delhi are reising. being the very soul of India, this city has the ability to accommodate thousands of people who are coming to the city for the purpose of education or the career purpose....

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