Monday, 18 November 2013

5 Advantages of buying a home in a Slow Market

The current promotion in the market is “Real Estate Market Slow Down’. If you are in the Real Estate market then you must be well versed with the current market scenario; however what if you don't belong to the market?
After South India the important real estate market has slowed down in Delhi/NCR too. This slowdown can be felt in the market easily. Following tips assist you to understand if there's extremely a retardation within the market.
1.       Stay Updated
Keep yourself updated with the newspapers and websites on the real estate market news. If there is a slowdown then, it is a hot topic everywhere and the Newspapers are no exemption.
2.       Watch the trend
A sudden increase in the trends like Subvention Scheme, Assured Returns, Discounts and Other policies are a sign of the slow market. All this is done to attract the potential buyer.
3.       Ask the Expert:
Go for an expert advice. The Real Estate consultants are the best people to consult at this point of time. To an investor, the market may look attractive as it is filled with lucrative deals. Though, it is good to invest at this stage but you must be alert before doing so.
Here are the five blessings that the investor can avail when investing in the real estate market when the market is slow down.
        I.            1.The seller quotes a cheaper price that he does when the market is at a boom.  As a buyer, you can always bargain the prices and come down to the best suiting price.
      II.          2.  Do not dishearten if you can not be able to get the home at a lower price. Sellers often offer better deals like leaving a furnished home, cutting on the extra charges like Parking Charges, Club membership charges and more.
    III.         3.You can settle the deal at a lower price as compared to the deals in the hot season, where you as a buyer might have to pay some extra amount to buy the house.
    IV.           4.You get more options to explore during the slowdown. When there are more sellers and less buyers then buyers have a bright chance to explore the market.

      V.           5. There could be an increase in the number of fore closed properties at this time.

Tags : Slow market investment options, investment with little money, Cosmic Projects,Cosmic Structures


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