Monday, 10 February 2014

India's real estate market: Time for the bubble to burst?

It is a frequent motto used to emphasize the importance that a location has on the value of a real estate property. The heart of the message is clear -- if you pick the right spot to invest your property in, you can be rewarded with a handsome return on investment.

Cosmic India

The Indian economy is in an interesting stage right now. On one end of the spectrum, signs are pointing towards an economic surge. The Sen-sex hit an all-time high a week ago, the RBI seems to be making all the right moves to curb inflation and bring stability to the rupee and analysts can be frequently heard commentating that finally it's a "trading market". This means the economy is picking up, the share market is ripe for investments and therefore investors and traders can take advantage of the opportunities being presented to earn profits.

So all in all, real estate prices or sales are a great indicator of a country's economy.
The RBI has been consistently raising the  rate, which is the rate that banks are charged to borrow from the RBI- in recent months. These past few days, major banks such as State Bank of India and HDFC Bank raised the rates to obtain loans to purchase houses, and the trend is unlikely to stop as the RBI is expected to continue raising rates to fight inflation.

This all translates to bad news for the real estate market. Home-owners will have a more difficult time obtaining loans to purchase houses. Already, cities such as Mumbai are facing a downturn in the real estate market, despite the mass public perhaps not being aware about it. 

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Tags : Increasaing Trends of real estate market,growth in real estate business,property balloon to burst,Cosmic Projects,Cosmic Structures


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