Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Does Brand Names Really Matters in Real estate Property Investment in India

In the world of retail, fashion and real estate, brand names make a giant difference. When customers pick a product, asset or real estate agent, what are the significant determining factors do they consider? Most of the customers saying that the brand name has a major impact on their decision making process. Sometimes big brand names get a dire repute for being high-priced, even though consumers buy the products from top brands than labeled one even if it is cheaper.

For example, in the present market purchasing a computer with small outlet is the easiest way to save money, although customer wishes to buy name brand computers.
If you are a sincere buyer or seller in the real estate property in Indian market, how much does brand matters when picking a realty agent?

In an aggressive market, many real estate property developers and investor are getting happy over branding, adapting new models, parameters and images of Indian real estate Industry. But real estate investor and builder across major metro cities such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Banglore, Hyderabad and Kolkatta say that the importance of branding is varying rapidly. The brand name may not help a consumer to hire a real estate agent and some evidences suggest that branding is not so important.

What every customer really cares about is services provided, they just want to know they were getting the same disclosures or not, not the brand name. In today’s market, smaller real estate property industries also offer great services as the environment is less company.

Real estate investor and developer analysts and experts say that as the technology is increasing rapidly, customers can access real estate property information on the internet itself without taking any real estate property agent or third party’s help. Real estate property investment has emerged as the most preferred investment instrument in India.

Even though, In India many of the first time real estate property buyers and sellers who had no experience in purchasing  are arguing that branding is more important than ever because the Indian customers believe that brand name companies are more trusted, mainly those who are offering top indentation services and facilities.


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